Turn Your Garden into a Real Amusement Park with These 5 Exciting Games

Summer is the time of year when children enjoy the garden the most. They have all the time in the world and the opportunity not to be bored for a second. A pool, a ball, a few toys and a lot of imagination are enough for them. You can also use your imagination and turn your garden into a real amusement park, by organizing all kinds of different and fun activities and games. Whether you have a pool or not, whatever the size of your garden, we give you many ideas, very easy to make, so that you and your children have fun as never before.


1.Everyone in the Mud

Kids love to get dirty in the mud. That’s a fact. And summer is a great time for this to be a no-brainer for moms, because there’s no mud that can’t be cleaned up with a good hose. But we can also take advantage of this time to make mud and sand a fun, playful activity.

Whether it’s modeling imaginative clay sculptures or characters, which we can then color, or organizing a good cooking school, also using spoons, rakes, colanders, plastic plates and glasses and whatever else is needed.

2.The Garden Olympics

Participating in Olympic games has always been your dream? Well you can still do so in your garden. All you need is a few objects and a little imagination to prepare the different events or competitions. Your kids will do the rest. For example, balance exercises by creating a circuit with logs, boards and fruit boxes; an obstacle course; a climbing wall; “artistic” jumps on a trampoline; goal or basket shooting; wheelbarrow or sack races; javelin (or stick) throwing; long jump on a vine, Tarzan style… In addition to having fun, children will improve aspects such as coordination, strength, balance or flexibility.

3.Let’s Build!

Leave the Lego at home. To play in the garden, it is much more fun to create your own building blocks. Stones, small logs, wooden blocks, ropes, boxes, rubber and other materials to recycle, everything works (of course, complemented by their animals, dolls, superheroes or playmobil clicks). These materials are perfect for kids to easily manipulate and combine to design a castle, a zoo, a battlefield, a dollhouse or their own cell phone. The important thing is that they are within easy reach to use freely.

4.The Tree House

Who didn’t have a great cabin in his childhood? It was ours, our refuge, our den, our intimate space, sheltered from the eyes of adults. It is just as fascinating and necessary for our children. And while we can’t all afford a tree house like Bart Simpson’s, there are many other options that will delight children as well. Some ideas: hiding places made of fabric or blankets hung with clips or sewn to a ring, like a mosquito net; small wooden constructions, which can be as simple or complicated as you want; sheets strategically hung on the branches of a tree; a small removable tent; or preparing a space among the wildest bushes in the garden, which is always the most authentic tree house.

5.Water is Always Fun

Family Having Fun In Garden Paddling Pool

Water games and summer belong together. Kids love nothing more than to get wet and splash around without anyone catching them. So enjoy it. Of course, in the pool, its natural element in summer; there are many ways to play in the pool. And if you don’t have one, there is always the possibility of installing an inflatable pool, more or less large depending on the age of your children. But there are also other fun options: the war with water guns (or bazookas) is a classic; there are also water balloons, which give rise to real battles; or the water slide: spread a long plastic on the grass, wet it well and slide at full speed!

Do you know any other fun games that could be played in the garden? Share them with us in the comments below.



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