How Relaxing Can Fishing Be?

Fishing is one of the most accessible outdoor sports. Anyone can do it regardless of age, income, or physical ability. Whether you are fishing on a lake with your grandfather, surfing in the ocean, or catching tuna from a boat, fishing can help you lead a healthier and happier life, even if you are new to this sport.

It Helps Keep the Body Healthy

Although fishing is not a physically demanding sport per se, it has been shown to have various cardiovascular benefits. A day of fishing gets you outdoors anyway, living, walking, and breathing fresh air. It’s good for the heart and brain. Being outdoors gives you vitamin D, makes you happy and slows down aging.

In the United States, women have established fishing associations to help women recover from hospitalization after surgery for various cancers. Fly fishing and surf casting are similar to the exercises often prescribed after breast cancer removal surgery. They are also said to help with recovery after surgery and radiation therapy.

Eating Fish Can Help You Live Longer

A healthy diet indeed extends life. For example, Japanese women living in coastal areas eat a diet rich in seafood; according to the World Health Organization (WHO), their average life expectancy is 87 years, the longest in the world.

Fishing Helps Reduce PTSD Symptoms

Mental relaxation combined with a simple fishing exercise may help those with PTSD. This was shown in a 2009 study that followed a group of people suffering from the disease; after three days, they reported a 32% reduction in guilt and a 50% reduction in hostility. Anxiety was reduced by 30% and sadness by 40%.

It Is Good for the Heart

Of course, eating caught fish lowers blood pressure in the heart, which helps prevent stroke and heart failure. It also helps develop brain function in children. In addition to heart and brain health, studies have shown that eating fish can improve eyesight, reduce the risk of asthma, protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation, and reduce the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis. Some studies suggest that a diet rich in fish may also help reduce the risk of breast cancer.

Fishing Reduces Stress

Women and men alike agree that throwing gear into the water is a stress reliever. Throwing is said to lower blood pressure by creating a state of excitement, relieving muscle tension, and slowing the release of dopamine.

Top 10 Reasons To Go Fishing | Pure Leisure Blog

Improved Concentration

Because fishing is “mesmerizing,” it is possible to concentrate for long periods without strain. A person fishing becomes so engrossed that he or she has no time to think about anything else, and such single-pointed concentration serves as a mental release from other things that can be frustrating in the fast-paced modern life.

Increased Vitamin D

Being outside and connecting with nature provides a sense of well-being and improves mood. Vitamin D helps regulate calcium and phosphate levels in the body and keeps bones and teeth healthy. It is also said to boost the immune system and fight depression.

Social Engagement

Research suggests that the quality of people’s social relationships seems to be one of the strongest predictors of well-being.

Fishing is a wonderful way to enjoy the company of family and friends. It is also a chance to impart fishing knowledge from grandfather to grandson, father to daughter, and so on. Fishing with close friends also provides a much needed sense of belonging and togetherness.

Even those who choose to fish alone can keep in touch with the fishing community through different digital platforms and feel that they belong to a like-minded community.

Do you like fishing? Let us know in the comments below!


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